BSU Policy Statement on Academic Integrity
Bemidji State University fosters the highest standards of academic integrity and the highest regard for truth and honesty. The attempt by students to present as their own any work not actually performed by them; collusion, fabrication, and cheating on examinations, papers, and other course-related work; stealing, duplicating, or selling examinations; substituting for others in class discussions or examinations; producing other students' papers or projects; knowingly furnishing false or misleading academic information to University officials or on official University records; and altering such information on official University records are considered violations of academic integrity and destructive to the central mission of the University.
Students who violate academic integrity shall, after due process, be subject to University sanctions that may include failure on assignments and examinations and in courses, and suspension or expulsion.
Established academic integrity policies, procedures, and sanctions are communicated in classes and publications such as the student/faculty guides, and during orientation programs. For more information see the Student Handbook at .
Rights and Responsibilities
Code of Conduct
Students are also expected to be familiar with academic policies and procedures as described in this catalog, as well as in the Handbook.
Students are expected to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct and the Student Conduct System as presented in the Student Handbook. The rights and responsibilities of students and the expectations of the University are described in the guide, along with grievance and other procedures. Behavior that is threatening to the safety or welfare of one's self or others, or that is harassing or discriminatory in nature, will be reviewed promptly by the University, and appropriate action will be taken. The Student Code of Conduct does not replace or reduce the requirements of civil or criminal laws. The Student Handbook is accessible at
The campus is not a sanctuary from the general law. University community members violating civil or criminal law may be subject to University Conduct procedures for the same conduct when the conduct occurs on campus or when it occurs off campus but is directly related to the University community. The University may initiate Student Conduct action at its discretion.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Bemidji State University protects the privacy of student education records as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 and the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA). These federal and state laws provide information on the privacy and confidentiality of student educational records. This notice of student rights, policy and procedures is available in hard copy and in alternative formats from the Office of Student Life & Success, Deputy Hall 313 and the Records and Registration Office, Deputy Hall 101.
The laws are applicable to postsecondary institutions in two primary ways: 1) institutions must permit students to inspect and review their education records; and 2) in most instances only information defined and publicized by the institution in semester class schedules as "directory information" will be released without the expressed consent of the student unless otherwise directed by the student. However, under certain circumstances all educational records may be released without consent of the student.
More detailed information regarding data privacy laws is available in the Student Handbook.
Student Right to Know Act
As required by federal law, the rates at which full-time students complete bachelor's degrees from the University within a specified period of time are available on request in the Office of Institutional Research or in the Admissions Office in Deputy Hall.
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act
The Annual Security Report, published by the Department of Public Safety, is distributed to all students, prospective students, faculty, staff, and prospective employees, and is available upon request. The report, which is in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, contains security policies and practices and campus crime statistics. The report may also be viewed online at
Victims' Bill of Rights
Provisions addressing the rights of victims of sexual violence or assault were added to existing Minnesota State University Board policy on September 30, 1992. The Victims' Bill of Rights policy applies to all students, faculty, and staff, of Bemidji State University and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. The policy is printed in the Student Handbook and in the Annual Security Report.
Additional Information on Rights and Responsibilities
For further information on rights and responsibilities, refer to the following publications:
The Student Handbook (
Annual Security Report (Department of Public Safety, Walnut Hall, 218-755-3888)
Residential Life Handbook (Residential Life, Walnut Hall, 218-755-3750)
Department and program handbooks (department and program offices)
Academic Grievances
The grievance procedures for challenging grades and registering complaints about faculty, courses, teaching procedures, and related academic concerns are described fully in the Policies and Procedures section of the Student Handbook. This section also describes administrative procedures for dealing with non-academic complaints such as discrimination and harassment. The Handbook is accessible at
Written Student Complaints
The University maintains a record of written student complaints filed with the offices of the President, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Student Life & Success, and the Vice President for Finance and Administration. Summary information regarding student complaints to these administrative offices is provided to the Higher Learning Commission (North Central Association), upon their request and in compliance with data privacy policy, as a part of the University's periodic accreditation review.
Bemidji State University endorses the Minnesota State Legislature's ethic of zero tolerance toward sexual violence and sexual harassment. All members of the Bemidji State Community are expected to comply with the letter of protective laws, and to take the spirit of such laws to heart. For information on the consequences of violating regulations, and on reporting incidents, refer to sexual violence/harassment publications available at the Hobson Memorial Union Information Desk and other campus locations, or contact the Office of Student Life & Success, Deputy Hall, 218-755-2075; Department of Public Safety, Walnut Hall, 218-755-3888; the Human Resources Office, Deputy Hall, 218-755-3966, or the Student Health and Counseling Office, 218-755-2080.